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(1999) A review and meta-analysis of country-of-origin research, Journal of Economic Psychology 20 (1999) 521-546 Rajat Roy Rezvani, Samin et al. 3 p 145-170 Verlegh, Peter W.J dan Jan-Benedict E.M. “Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention of Dietary Supplement Products in Penang Island.” Research Repport Master of Business Administration Kim, Jeesun dan Sylvia M Chan-Olsted (2005), Comparative Effects of Organization-Public Relationships and Product Related Attributes on Brand Attitude, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol 11 No. Pengaruh Reputasi Negara Asal (Country of Origin Reputation) terhadap Kepercayaan (Trust) pada Pembeli Produk Elektronik Merek Rebecca Triana Siahaan, 2013 Pengaruh Country Of Origin Effect Terhadap Minat Beli (Survei Kepada Konsumen Sepatu Fesyen Wanita Lokal Di Komunitas Fashionese Daily) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Ĭhanghong China, Jurnal Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Vol. Reinartz, (2003) “The Self-Generated Validity of Measured Purchase Intentions” Journal of Marketing Putri, Rizky L dan Fajrianthi. “Understanding the Younger Singaporean Consumers’ Views of Western and Eastern Brands.” Asia Pasific Journal of Marketing and Logistic vol 14 no.

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(2006) “Country of Origin Effects: Consumer Perceptions of Japan in South East Asia”, Working Paper Series O’Cass, Aron and Kenny Lim. 261- 275 Jin, Byoungho dan George, (2013) “Consumer Purchase Intention Toward Foreign Brand Goods”, Journal of Management Decision Vol.51 No.2 pp.434-450 Maheswaran, Durairaj. Ahmed, Yeghig Benlian, (2010),'Purchase of global shampoo brands and the impact of country of origin on Lebanese consumers', Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. Reinartz (2005) “Do Intentions Really Predict Behavior? Self-Generated Validity Effects in Survey Research”, Journal of Marketing Vol. Batra, Ramaswamy, Alden, Steenkamp (2008) “Effects of Brand Local and Nonlocal Origin on Consumer Attitudes in Developing Countries” Journal of consumer Physcology, 9(2), p.83 Bong-Sup Shin, (2006) “What matter to Korean products in Austialia: Focus on the country image effects” International Area Review Volume 9, Number I Chandon, Pierre.

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'The Impact of Country of Origin and Ethnocentrism as Major Dimensions in Consumer Purchasing Behavior in Fashion.' European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences Issue 33, 222232. Rebecca Triana Siahaan, 2013 Pengaruh Country Of Origin Effect Terhadap Minat Beli (Survei Kepada Konsumen Sepatu Fesyen Wanita Lokal Di Komunitas Fashionese Daily) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Ībeniya, Abed, and Majid Nokbeh Zaeim. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, Bandung: Alfabeta. Bandung: Penerbit Tarsito Silalahi, Uber (2009) Metode Penelitian Sosial. New Jersey, USA: Pearson Prentice Hall Sudjana. Consumer Behavior: buying having, and being 9th Ed. Perilaku Konsumen edisi ketujuh Edisi Ketujuh, Pearson Prentice hall. Metode dan Teknik Menyusun Proposal Penelitian, Bandung : Penerbit Alfabeta. Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy 9th ed. New Jersey, USA: Pears on Prentice Hall Peter J. New Jersey, USA: Pearson Prentice Hall _dan Kevin L. Global Marketing Management 5th ed, John Willey & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd Kotler, Philip dan Gerry Amstrong.

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Strategic Brand Management: Building measuring and managing brand Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis: Untuk Akuntansi & Manajemen, Mataharikarta: BPFE UGM Keller, Kevin Lane. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktis, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

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